Saturday, October 22, 2011

Creating Privacy and Shade

!±8± Creating Privacy and Shade

The great thing about a new house in a new subdivision is a brand-new everything. This is not so great is the lack of privacy and shade. While Colorado is rather moderate, but the sun is warm, the altitude is high, and burn our chance to sit out for more than 15 minutes is even higher. Especially that left arm hung outside our window as we race car to run errands!

To fully enjoy your outdoor space, here are some of the privacy andshade-y tips for you to consider. After all, now is the time to start planning and organizing your spring projects!


In new subdivisions you sometimes wonder why the developer didn't leave more than 10 feet inbetween each house, and why on earth they designed the subdivision to allow 4 other houses look in on your dining room while your family, for once, is sitting down together eating.

* Before digging in your new yard, please call the utilities company to spray for you where your power and gas lines lay.*

To create privacy it sometimes meaning creating borders. Fencing is common, and if you bake your neighbors some cookies and propose a plan to put up a nice wooden fence, they too may want to go in on the expenses with you to have it match. Some HOA's (Home Owners Associations) only allow certain types of fences, at certain heights, colors, and more. Please verify with your board before building.

Want to go green? You could buy green materials for your fencing, or you could plant green. Tall shrubs which grow quickly can provide a natural barrier between you and your neighbors, while also providing a little shade and a nice wind block.

Trees are another great green and natural privacy blocker. Trees also provide a lot of filtered shade. Conifers grow exceptionally well in Colorado, although as I've seen in older neighborhoods, if you give them time, deciduous (leaf bearing) trees also thrive.

Bamboo is an overlooked plant that grows very fast, spreads fast, and makes a great fence. If you feel industrious, you can also cut some and weave baskets, burn it for kindling, or make furniture out of it.

Swings attached to pergolas don't necessarily create a large privacy barrier, but they do set a tone for, "This is where your eye needs to stop looking."

Large pots of varying sizes placed near patios can create a more private setting for those sitting on the patio, but won't necessarily block your neighbor's yard. These can be really nice features to add to your space by bringing in colors, tall grasses, and colorful flowers.


We already covered trees, as an obvious solution to producing or creating some shade in your yard. One thing I haven't mentioned yet, is your grass will thank you for some relief during the afternoon. So many new homes put down sod. The sod undoubtedly fries in the hot sun and the new yard looks bad. By planting trees in your yard you are providing some shelter for your grass as the sun passes over it. The shade provided by trees, especially as they get taller, can help you reduce energy costs in your house. During the winter months, the trees can act as wind barriers, and in the summer, the trees provide shade helping keep your house a few degrees cooler.

Arbors and trellises can make a lovely addition to any backyard or patio. If you are a gardening buff and want a nice place to sit amongst your plants, an arbor can be a great touch. Place a bench under and allow roses or other climbing vines to grow on it. Placing a trellis above a deck can provide nice shade, and if it is a lower deck, growing vines on it can help provide more wind breaks and shade. Some people have grown grape vines and used the grapes to create their wine! Imagine sitting in the shade on your patio sipping wine that came from the very vines amongst you! I've also seen hops grown and the hops used in home brewing. A win-win!

Pergolas are just like arbors only they are comprised of wooden beams instead of trellising. These can be very nice for a eastern or northern facing deck that doesn't see much sunshine, but you are looking for an architectural feature.


Creating Privacy and Shade

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Monday, October 17, 2011

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Greed and Global Warming

!±8± Greed and Global Warming

Everywhere is green again in the minds of men. Global warming, oil prices skyrocketing, air choking smog, it's all finally came to a head. For many of us this is our second movement very serious environmental damage. We can remember back in the early seventies, the impact of the hippies, they had to stop littering and to return us our cans for a nickel. Elementary school is trying to get solar panels on our roof space, and the purchase of smaller cars. And it worked forawhile.

But alas Reagan came into power and the contrast of the hippie was created, he was the yuppie. They were the same people more or less, but now instead of ingesting hallucinogens and taking part in orgiastic rituals in the back of a tie dye painted school bus, they erupted onto the capitalistic scene in a rage not seen since the twenties. Working around the clock pulling down enviable salaries and bonuses, and then buying up stocks of high tech start ups like they were LSD. Yuppies raised the entire standard of living of a generation of people throughout the free world. Yes, the trickle down did almost dry up, but check your facts even the poorest among us are better off post eighties then before.

During this time of me firstism, the environment took a hit. Yes, we tried to save the rainforest, we sent checks, we read our labels on fine furniture, but by and large we went about our business. We bought SUV's, big screens, computers, appliances, took trips, bought yachts, and pretended paradise was a place on Earth and it would last forever.

Enter sobriety. The good times did not last, children were shooting their schools up, and we began to feel guilty. The dot coms crashed, and war began to break out at alarming rates. People like scientists and terrorists got our attention and we realized that there was a price to pay for me first. Dammit anyhow.

Fast forward to 2007, here comes the environmental movement again, just in the nick of time. Polar ice caps are disappearing, holes in the ozone, devastating hurricanes demolish cities built below sea level, and we need to fix it. But how? This problem is bigger than unsightly litter; this is the very livability of our planet.

The stage is set for a hero to rally around, a catalytic personality whose charisma and logic persuade us to see beyond our next trip to the mall. Who will this person be? One so charming, so effervescent, that we will once and for all realize our actions today have an impact beyond next week? Who will finally make us do the right thing? Believe it or not it just might be Al Gore. Turns out he is smarter than we all thought. He wrote a book, and as luck would have it he is liberal so Hollywood helped him make a movie.

We all thought about our wasteful ways and vowed to do better. But as we have seen guilt only goes so far. Sooner or later we would return to our merry ways of indulging our whims at the price of the environment. But the ball is rolling; nothing feeds social movement faster than what is seen as the cool thing to do. And if Hollywood is doing it then it is cool.

But cool wears out, cool changes like the wind. What doesn't change is our love for money. a gallon gas hurts, we buy smaller cars. It is cool and saves us money, different from the Hummer, which used to be cool and costs a lot of money.

So we have something cool and saves us money. It is a rarity when going cheap is also the hip thing to do. But in this case the environment wins as does our pocketbook. But wait we have been here before right? During the oil embargo in the seventies not long after the environmental movement lost its steam, gas went up, and cars were bought more for mpgs than horsepower and style. What happened to that movement? Well see above and gas prices leveled out, sure they continued up more, but at a less frantic pace. We could afford it; we were making all that money being yuppies.

So what is different down? There is now money to be made in the environmental movement. Serious money. Remember when conspiracy had it that Exxon bought up all the plans around that could make cars run on Chicken manure? It was ridiculous of course, but the fact of the matter is big money was never behind the environmental movement. Until now, now we have that Exxon, plus Chevrolet, plus Archer Daniels Midland in on it. So are numerous start ups, taking the place of dot comers are alternative fuel companies, sprouting up everywhere. And let us not forget the international scene, where the former third world economies in places like Asia are well versed in the problem of bringing alternative technologies to the masses.

There is also money to be made in cleaning up factories, which are paying huge levies for polluting; there is money in recycling, finally. Money is also to be made in turning sea water into fresh water, and reclaiming fresh water sources; if you can imagine a solution you can imagine a profit.

You see the solution is the same with every problem. The trick is this; you have to make people want to do something. Seriously want to, not guilt them. Guilt wears out, but doing something for you does not. If you can make people think there is something in it for them they will do it. That is the motivating force of everyone from Mother Theresa to Adolph Hitler. And now that the green movement has serious green money to be made in it, then it is here to stay.

Of course, a couple of more stories about the peril of polar bears always help. We like cute too.

Greed and Global Warming

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

The range of Timex Ironman Watch Timer - Great For Rep Training and cleaning the house

!±8± The range of Timex Ironman Watch Timer - Great For Rep Training and cleaning the house

The Timex Ironman "interval timer" watch mode is not available to all Ironman watches. I'll make a list of watches that include this feature when I find time, but needless to say, if you see Ironman contain this feature, you can ignore this article completely.

I consider Interval Timer Mode is one of the most difficult Ironman line offered. Although the designers Timex easy as humanly possible. But if you take the time to learn toSetting the timer range mode, there are some great advantages when it comes to activities such as (but not only) is interval training.

Here I give you a brief guide to creating and training interval mode.

Note: I try to keep this information as widely as possible, but there are many models of Timex Ironman watches on the market so that this information may not apply exactly to all models. I think the interval timer function works similarly toAll ironman watches that offer this feature and what I'm saying here is, in most cases do not apply.

With the middle one, go in it ..

Interval timers are a sequence of linked-Countdown. When a range interval countdown ends, a beep sounds and start the next interval.

First, keep the timer interval mode, press the Mode button repeatedly until the "interval timer" words on the screen.

Depending on the particular model of watch thathave set a series of timers are available. My Timex Data Link has 10 slots, but I feel that is 10 at the upper end. You may have a different number of slots available.

When you select a new interval-timer mode, int 1 is displayed.

You can run timer with stop / reset (-) or START / SPLIT (+).
I can not see the images here, but you can see an outline of the standard keys ironman-by see the link in my signature.

Press Nexta timer. The timer value should be flashing.

While the number is flashing, press again to switch units (hours, minutes, seconds), stop / reset (-) or START / SPLIT (+) is to change the value (up or down) of the particular unit is on.

When you are finished setting the time, press again to close, and it is about what will end the current interval is not required.

Standard options are: "to stop" (closes the session, when all the timers), and"Repeat the end" (when the last interval timer is stopped, is the first time. Launched this model will be repeated over and over again)

New Stop / Reset (-) or START / SPLIT (+) will toggle between the options.

When finished, press done to confirm and exit.

Now press START / SPLIT (+) to go to int, for 2 and set the next range, if you want.

Note: To cancel a timer set, all its values ​​to 0 and is ignored. This is true even if there are gaps in the sequence. ForFor example, if the values ​​and assign int 1 int 3, but with int 2-0, when it runs out int, int 3 will be next time.

If you are willing to push your interval session start / lap starting to have to start the timer. As with many features you can ironman interval timer mode and the output of the timer continues to run ..

When the timer reaches zero for int 1, an alarm bell in the game is to inform you that it is running, of course. If you have any other interval of the timer is configured, the next bootat this point.

When all the timer intervals have run their course is one of two things happen, depending on how you configure the settings. If you selected "Stop at the end", the Timex Ironman Gong and stop the timer several times a year (10 seconds on my data connections), indicating that you have finished your session.

If you "repeats at the end" has chosen the clock is ringing once, move to 1 int, and scroll through the sequence again.

You can stop the sessionany time by pressing the Stop / Reset.

The interval timer mode is a useful tool for athletes who want to switch between running and rest periods in their training session.

For example, if you run for three minutes and one minute break and repeat this over and over again how it is possible int 1 int 2 at 3:00 and 1:00 and to choose the repeating final choice.

This is a great session for runners. In my usual training regimen, I tend to keep a fixed distance andcompare the distance against time, but I think that athletes are often obsessed with time. This session could be a great throw from time to time to dissolve, because if you and only for the natural activity of the race (or horse riding or swimming or whatever you're doing), without concern that you want to move too slowly .

Timer interval mode can also be applied to less conventional activities, such as .... Housework. I read with astonishment the other day, as a runner is hisTimex Ironman the task of cleaning the house.

I do not know if this rider is male or female, but they write:

I'm in a group that is performing. We can use the interval timer, so that we can take walk breaks at regular intervals. What we do is an interval timer for maybe 5 minutes and the second for one minute and repeat both. This allows us, for 5 minutes, then run the watch beeps to tell us to walk for a minute. Since the clock will repeat, this cycle of beeps for five minutes,Sept. 1 minute then for the duration of the race. You could not do this with the "Timer", because it is the only time, again and again.

I also use the interval timer for house cleaning. I am a single timer int, so I work 45 minutes and the second, so that I can take a break of 15 minutes. I do when I am working for several hours.


rodthe Timex Ironman watch "interval timer" mode is not available to all Ironman watches. I'll make a list ofWatches that include this feature when I find time, but needless to say, if you see Ironman contain this feature, you can ignore this article completely.

I consider Interval Timer Mode is one of the most difficult Ironman line offered. Although the designers Timex easy as humanly possible. But if the time to learn to take an interval timer mode, there are some great advantages when it comes to activities such as (but not only) the interval isTraining.

Here I give you a brief guide to creating and training interval mode.

Note: I try to keep this information as widely as possible, but there are many models of Timex Ironman watches on the market so that this information may not apply exactly to all models. I think the interval timer function works similarly in all Ironman watches that offer this feature and what I'm saying here is, in most cases do not apply.

With the middle oneWe enter into it ..

Interval timers are a sequence of linked-Countdown. When a range interval countdown ends, a beep sounds and start the next interval.

First, keep the timer interval mode, press the Mode button repeatedly until the "interval timer" words on the screen.

Depending on the particular model of watch you have a series of timers are set available. My Timex Data Link has 10 slots, but I feel that 10 is theupper end. You may have a different number of slots available.

When you select a new interval-timer mode, int 1 is displayed.

You can run timer with stop / reset (-) or START / SPLIT (+).
I can not see the images here, but you can see an outline of the standard keys ironman-by see the link in my signature.

Print next to a set timer. The timer value should be flashing.

While the number is flashing, press again to continue cyclingThrough units (hours, minutes, seconds), stop / reset (-) or START / SPLIT (+) is to change the value (up or down) the unit you are special.

When you are finished setting the time, press again to close, and it is about what will end the current interval is not required.

Standard options are:. "At the bus stop" (the session ends when all the timers), and "repeat at the end" (when the last interval timer is stopped, the first, newly launched this pattern is repeated forover and over again)

New Stop / Reset (-) or START / SPLIT (+) will toggle between the options.

When finished, press done to confirm and exit.

Now press START / SPLIT (+) to go to int, for 2 and set the next range, if you want.

Note: To cancel a timer set, all its values ​​to 0 and is ignored. This is true even if there are gaps in the sequence. For example, if the values ​​assigned to 1 and int 3 int, int, September 2-0, but when it runs out int, int 3 will be next time.

If youare ready to begin the session interval, press the START / LAP to start the timer. As with many features you can ironman interval timer mode and the output of the timer continues to run ..

When the timer reaches zero for int 1, an alarm bell in the game is to inform you that it is running, of course. If you set an interval timer for another, which will begin immediately above this point.

If all timers at intervals along their course to have one of two things will happen, depending on theAllows you to configure the settings. If you selected "Stop at the end", the Timex Ironman Gong and stop the timer several times a year (10 seconds on my data connections), indicating that you have finished your session.

If you "repeats at the end" has chosen the clock is ringing once, move to 1 int, and scroll through the sequence again.

You can stop the session at any time by clicking the Stop / Reset.

The interval timer mode is a useful tool for athletes who want to switchRunning and rest periods in their training session.

For example, if you run for three minutes and one minute break and repeat this over and over again how it is possible int 1 int 2 at 3:00 and 1:00 and to choose the repeating final choice.

This is a great session for runners. In my usual training regimen, I tend to keep a fixed distance and compare the distance against time, but I think that athletes are often obsessed with time. This session would be to be a greatfrom time to time to launch, because if you loosen and only for the natural activity of the race (or horse riding or swimming or whatever you're doing), without concern that you want to move too slowly.

Timer interval mode can also be applied to less conventional activities, such as .... Housework. I read with astonishment the other day, as a rider to watch is the Timex Ironman, the task of cleaning the house.

I do not know if this rider is male or female, but they write:

II'm in a group that is performing. We can use the interval timer, so that we can take walk breaks at regular intervals. What we do is an interval timer for maybe 5 minutes and the second for one minute and repeat both. This allows us, for 5 minutes, then run the watch beeps to tell us to walk for a minute. Since the clock will repeat, this cycle of beeps for five minutes, then Sept. 1 minute for the duration of the race. You could not do this with the "Timer", because it repeats theOnce again and again.

I also use the interval timer for house cleaning. I am a single timer int, so I work 45 minutes and the second, so that I can take a break of 15 minutes. I do when I am working for several hours.



The range of Timex Ironman Watch Timer - Great For Rep Training and cleaning the house

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